Chapter 09

ARTICLE 34 (Acess to flow rates)

01 without prejudice to the provisions of the respective legislation and pursuant to the provisions in number 2 of article 9 of the present Law, for the purpose of electricity generation, it is guaranteed to the concessionaire access to:

  1. the use of a limited quantity of the flow of waterways;
  2. To withdraw, to dam up or store a determined quantity of water of a waterway, within or out of the river bed.

02 The concessionaires to whom access to waterways are granted for the purpose of hydroelectric generation, are free from paying any taxes over the use of water, under the terms of number 2 of article 43 of the Act 16/91, 0f 3 August.

03 The concessionaires referred to in the previous number are allowed to gain the right of use and profit of the necessary areas to carry out works and establish the necessary services for the use of water under the provisions of the Land Act and its regulation.
